Thursday, April 10, 2008

Entry #164: Brain Science

Memory Exercise #2:
"My memory isn't that great anymore."

"There are two things at work here. Your brain worked hard to block out A. Unfortunately, it is not so great at being selective, so gone also is B,C, and D. Another reason is that you haven't been sleeping."

Images by Simon

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Entry #163: Writer's Block

¿Nunca se han cansado de pensar? (But even in all that thinking, I couldn't FORM).

Painting by Melissa

Monday, April 07, 2008

Entry #162: Upper Echelon

"Baby boomers are aging. Two bottles of wine a night is over for most of us, but a nice bottle of water or a nice glass gives us something to talk about and to learn about. Water provides topics for conversations and explorations in an epicurian content." -Michael Mascha

water sommelier- wtf! Fine Waters: A Connoisseur's Guide to the World's Most Distinctive Bottled Waters reviews 100 different brands of WATER.

Water? As in two hydros n oxy with a bent shape of 107.5 degrees??! are the designated driver?


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Entry #161: Poodle Puppy Party

Juka turned 2 years old!