Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Entry #4: Good morning, sunshine.

This was on design sponge. It's called "herbie" and it is made for the city dweller (yes... backpackers are city dwellers).

Coooooool. It would be interesting if Herbie looked more natural, don't you think? I'm glad the designer didn't go that route though because it seems a bit fraudulent if it were to look like regular pots. I'd cry identity theft, anyways.

Now, there have been tons of jumpers coming out recently and, for the most part, I've liked them, but I kept thinking, I can do better and if only it was LIKE THIS or like that. But then I came across ESKELL's fab site and line. This is almost what I made last weekend! Minus the material, cuz mine is made from silk and another is wool pencil skirt. Whatever the deal, it's hot and I think I want one! These also remind me of the dresses I made for the fashion show (hey, I have foresight!)... I am thinking, the same material as fashion show (we have tons left) with pleats still intact. It'll be a cinch and you'll love it, I promise!

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