Saturday, June 02, 2007

Entry #81: Downtown Living + a sad realization

All that searching and looking and having nothing feel right or priced right finally lead me to a place that felt comfortable + livable.

I signed a lease today to live at The Brewery Art Colony. The above picture= the building I'm in. The place is fabulous and was passed on to me by a friend who had first peaked my interest in shoe design. It is well known for their twice yearly Art Walk.

And it's less than 20 minutes away from work.

pssst! There seems to be space for some rooftop gardening...

The day, however, was marred by the realization that my price point for the clothes I make is way too low, considering the time, cost of material, & overhead.

My fingers need to stop typing & start cutting (the most annoying part of design, says I).

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