Saturday, May 05, 2007

Entry #53: Metal Arts Exhibit!

Ooo, a post by Natural Histories reminded me of the Emerging Voices Exhibit at Chemers Gallery.

EMERGING VOICES EXHIBIT, featuring variety of unique metal works from April 28th – May 12th, 2007. This juried exhibit is sponsored by the Metal Arts Society of Southern California also known as MASSC.

The artists selected for this exhibit are:

Mary-Austin Bame
Shirley Chu
Erin Elowe
Xochilt Figueroa
Dha-Mee Hahn
Bettina Karallus
Cheryl Lommatsch
Tara Magboo
Nelly Nye
Amparo Ochoa
Robert Osborn
Laura Prieto-Valesco
Diane Weimer
Julie Williams
Aaron Willoughby

Opening & Artist Reception, Saturday, April 28, 2007 at Chemers Gallery from 5:30 – 8:30 PM.

CHEMERS GALLERY is located at 17300 Seventeenth Street, Ste G, Tustin, California 92780, Phone 714 731-5432

To learn more about MASSC go to their website at

In other news, Cabinet Magazine updated their website today, according to the magic of RSS. This is probably my favorite art magazine, as it is the product of really good writing and amazing research.

1 comment:

V.W.L. said...

dang, that first photo looks like something out of a sci-fi novel. & cabinet mag is amazing. it's all in the details...